Our Jamboree Troop 604 will be participating in the Scout O Rama on May 2nd at the South Towne Exhibition Center. We will be doing Lashings (making a small signal tower indoors). On April 16th at the Wanship LDS Church cultural hall, we will be practicing these skills... This is our regularly scheduled Jamboree Troop 604 monthly meeting and it is important that you are there, not only too practice the skills, but to review fund raising projects, and to bond together with the leaders and other young men.
Come prepared to do end splicing of frayed ropes and to practice the Square, Diagonal and Sheer lashings. Make sure you know the starting and ending of knots of each lashing and are prepared to practice it as part of our activity.
Merit Badge: Follow this link http://www.boyscouttrail.com/external_frame.asp?goto=http://usscouts.org/mb/worksheets/Pioneering.pdf to get the requirements for the Pioneering Merit Badge. You will be able to earn a good part of this if not all of it through our activity in April and May Scout O Rama.
Fund Raising: Also, because we are participating in Scout O Rama, you are entitled to keep double the percentage of profit one each ticket sold to the Scout O Rama. If you don't have tickets to sell, see your scoutmaster or contact your Distric Executive, Doug Guest.
Call if you have any questions... see your troop adult leader info on the right hand column of the blog page. Thanks!
Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604
801 971 7440
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