Sunday, September 6, 2009

Echo Canyon Adventure

Thanks to everyone who came to the camp out last weekend. Chris Robinson was kind enough to let us use his property up Echo Canyon. It was a beautiful place. The boys prepared an outstanding dinner of cheeseburgers, green salad, and beans...

Thanks to Chris Hansen for bringing up all the stoves and most of the the cooking gear.

McKay Quinn, Lee Marchant, and McCade Crandall served as Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders respectively and organized the troop and patrols to do all the cooking and cleaning.

Afterwords we had a nice campfire and were able to talk about the Jamboree and some Scouting principles in general.

Chris Hansen described to incidents that occurred at the last Jamboree while touring with the troop. In one incident he was taken to task for the behavior of our scouts for not acting in accordance with the Scout Law (they weren't being kind or courteous) and on another occasion he was praised for the way the scouts acted in accordance with scouting principles... It was a great illustration on how we need to be prepared to act properly and to remember that even though we want to have fun, that we need to do so while maintaining the principles of scouting and represent scouting and our families well. People are watching all the time and since we will always be in our scout uniforms it makes us that much more noticeable.

The stars were fabulous and we could see many constellations clearly that you cannot see so well with the city lights.

Breakfast was awesome. The boys again did the work to get us fed and we had sausage, pancakes, eggs, fruit and juice. I'm pretty sure everyone got plenty to eat.

McKay Quinn presented a brief overview of "Leave No Trace" camping at the campfire and before we left, the troop policed the area to leave the area cleaner than we found it... It was great to get to know the boys better and to be in the out of doors. There is nothing like camping out to get to know boys better and to see them in action both from a skills standpoint and character standpoint.

We have a great group and everyone got a long very well... even the Scoutmasters!!

We will send out a calendar in the next week that will take us through the end of the year and into the spring...

Just a reminder... we need to get our money into the council. They are spending money on flights and hotels and we need to stay ahead of all that. Please let us know if there are any problems.

Fundraisers: We have a new fundraiser starting that will be the selling of Popcorn. This is a very popular funraiser and you can contact Telaina for the details.

Scholarships: There are also a number of scholarships available for boys in our council and if you have needs, please contact me or Telaina to see how you can go about applying for these scholarships.

We are less than a year away from the adventure of a lifetime for these boys....

Thanks to Jennifer Barber and Telaina for all the follow-up and to Chris Hansen for helping so much on the Pot Luck...

Thanks for all your help and support as parents and families as well.

Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604

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