Sunday, May 1, 2011
Monday, July 26, 2010
We're Here!!!!
Okay, I haven't been all that great about updating this... but come on, these guys are keeping me busy... we left D.C. about 9am this morning and got to camp about noon... by the time we got oriented and got camp set-up it was dinner time and we pretty much ate cleaned up, had a couple meetings to get organized and have gone to bed...
Yesterday we had a really great morning going the Arlington Cemetery for a devotional. A scout a gave a great non-denominational talk and he was followed by Congressman Pete Sessions who is a big scouter... His dad was an Eagle, he was an Eagle and he a son who is an Eagle and a special needs son who will be getting his Eagle in a couple months. He charged the young men with taking initiative among other things... though I like the initiative part because I gave each of te boys a small pamphlet for them to read entitled "A Message to Garcia". It is all about taking initiative and how it separates the ordinary from the extraordinary.
A young man sang "Bring Him Home" from Les Miserables... which is one of my all time favorites. President Dahlquist the former Young Men's President from the LDS Church made brief remarks and then the had the Senior Patrol Leaders (Kip Christensen is ours) to hold and carry a huge American Flag over the the top of the boys (nearly 1000 in attendance).
We ended with a bagpipe playing "Amazing Grace".
Later we went to the National Archives and the Air and Space Museum and then had a Sacrament meeting just with our troop. It was very special as so many were willing to participate in this sacred ordinance.
The day was capped off with dinner at the Excalibur where they put on a sword and joisting Knights show.... the kids got into big time with each section being color coded to cheer for their respective Knight.
Oh yeah, we ate with our hands... well nothing really new on that
Until tomorrow...
Bruce R. Hough
If you need your boy to call just text me at
801 971 7440
P.S. All is Well!
Yesterday we had a really great morning going the Arlington Cemetery for a devotional. A scout a gave a great non-denominational talk and he was followed by Congressman Pete Sessions who is a big scouter... His dad was an Eagle, he was an Eagle and he a son who is an Eagle and a special needs son who will be getting his Eagle in a couple months. He charged the young men with taking initiative among other things... though I like the initiative part because I gave each of te boys a small pamphlet for them to read entitled "A Message to Garcia". It is all about taking initiative and how it separates the ordinary from the extraordinary.
A young man sang "Bring Him Home" from Les Miserables... which is one of my all time favorites. President Dahlquist the former Young Men's President from the LDS Church made brief remarks and then the had the Senior Patrol Leaders (Kip Christensen is ours) to hold and carry a huge American Flag over the the top of the boys (nearly 1000 in attendance).
We ended with a bagpipe playing "Amazing Grace".
Later we went to the National Archives and the Air and Space Museum and then had a Sacrament meeting just with our troop. It was very special as so many were willing to participate in this sacred ordinance.
The day was capped off with dinner at the Excalibur where they put on a sword and joisting Knights show.... the kids got into big time with each section being color coded to cheer for their respective Knight.
Oh yeah, we ate with our hands... well nothing really new on that
Until tomorrow...
Bruce R. Hough
If you need your boy to call just text me at
801 971 7440
P.S. All is Well!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Gettysburg and the Marines
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Philadephia Freedom... I love the song and the town!
Okay, I'm too tire for pithy comments....
The location of the continental congress and the desk that held the documents
Independence Hall in the background... very cool to see where the Declaration of Indepence was signed and where the Continental Congress met to draft the U.S. Constitution...
The liberty bell, gap (crack) and all. This thing has quite the history...

The liberty bell, gap (crack) and all. This thing has quite the history...
Ben Franklin with SM Bruce and as a bronze below...
Valley Forge. Sort of reminded me of Zion's Camp... it was a real refiner's fire that brought out the best in people that served General Washington in selecting leaders to help fight the war...
George Washington's Chapel... it is actually a church that is still operating today... built as a commemorative chapel to Washington's honor.
George Washington's Chapel... it is actually a church that is still operating today... built as a commemorative chapel to Washington's honor.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Lady, the Cathedral, and the M & Ms...
Inside St. Patrick's Cathedral 
Awe Inspiring whether from close-up or from afar. A great experience!
Hurry up and wait to get on the Ferry for Ellis and the Statue.
Inside Ellis Island looking out to the symbol of what brought so many to America.

Boarding one of three ferry rides. Ahhh, the cool breeze!
the Park City area Patrol.... with ASM Chris Robinson

On the ferry with the city skyline in the background...
Lunch on the Intrepid Aircraft Carrier

Rockefeller Center
Daaaaaaviiiiiiiid Leeeeeetttttttteeeeeeeeerman!

Coming out of Lego Land store... the big dawgs!

Musical Theater, really?
You would trust your kids with these guys? Yikes!

Yeah like we needed to add sugar to the diet of 36 Boy Scouts!
Dinner at the pier with some "tall ships" and the New York City Skyline.
Boarding one of three ferry rides. Ahhh, the cool breeze!
On the ferry with the city skyline in the background...

Rockefeller Center

Coming out of Lego Land store... the big dawgs!
Musical Theater, really?
Yeah like we needed to add sugar to the diet of 36 Boy Scouts!
Okay, so we didn't get much sleep last night... because we were up early to eat and pack up our stuff so we could be on the first ferry from the New Jersey side to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.
Ellis Island is such a fascinating place and one that has a lot of meaning for our country... A new exhibit this year is the Barbie Exhibit... I'm not sure what the boys learned about immigration from Barbie, but they all seemed eager to walk through the exhibit...
I was a great big arched roofed holding area for almost 5000 immigrants each day.
The Ferry ride was actually pretty nice, with the breeze cooling us off to a tolerable level. What I didn't know about the Statue of Liberty is that the concept for it was NOT the brain child of Frédéric Bartholdi, who was the artist and sculpter who created the Statue, but was that of Édouard René de Laboulaye who believed the statue should be a joint U.S. and French project with the U.S. creating the pedestal and the French the Statue. Joseph Pulitzer (yes, the namesake of the pulitzer prize for literature etc.) along with his newpaper, lead the charge for raising the money for the pedestal... All this was to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the U.S. declaring its Independence (the date on the tablet that the "lady" is holding). Oh yeah, and Eiffel, wss the structural engineer that created the infrastructure for the "sculpture" to which it is attached.
Just a bunch of randon pictures... I'm too tired to write pithy captions...
Ellis Island is such a fascinating place and one that has a lot of meaning for our country... A new exhibit this year is the Barbie Exhibit... I'm not sure what the boys learned about immigration from Barbie, but they all seemed eager to walk through the exhibit...
I was a great big arched roofed holding area for almost 5000 immigrants each day.
The Ferry ride was actually pretty nice, with the breeze cooling us off to a tolerable level. What I didn't know about the Statue of Liberty is that the concept for it was NOT the brain child of Frédéric Bartholdi, who was the artist and sculpter who created the Statue, but was that of Édouard René de Laboulaye who believed the statue should be a joint U.S. and French project with the U.S. creating the pedestal and the French the Statue. Joseph Pulitzer (yes, the namesake of the pulitzer prize for literature etc.) along with his newpaper, lead the charge for raising the money for the pedestal... All this was to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the U.S. declaring its Independence (the date on the tablet that the "lady" is holding). Oh yeah, and Eiffel, wss the structural engineer that created the infrastructure for the "sculpture" to which it is attached.
Just a bunch of randon pictures... I'm too tired to write pithy captions...
Monday, July 19, 2010
Jambo 604 - Day 1, Delayed but Delighted

Tim "Smokey" Pruess
Never bend over in front of the guy who has the camera!
The Airport Line-up... Doug Guest, was our Guest....

Peace Out!

Dinner at the Marriott in Newark... ahhhhh...

Let's see, today we had left behind medicine, a lost boarding pass between the security check-in and the boarding gate, a hat left behind, a wallet left on the table at the DFW Mcdonalds, and a bag left all alone before boarding our second segment. Everything was recovered and all in all, it was a great day of travelling! Actually everyone was awesome. Everyone cooperated well, treated each other well and were courteous to civilians. Though we were delayed an hour in Dallas, we got into Newark in plenty of time to check-in to the Newark Marriott and to have a lovely buffet of a green leafy salad and caesar salad, macaroni and cheese (much better than Kraft out of a box!), rigatoni, and some very chocolaty brownies! Yum.
Above are some random shots of our travel day... tomorrow, New York New York... if we can make there, we can make it anywhere...!
Above are some random shots of our travel day... tomorrow, New York New York... if we can make there, we can make it anywhere...!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Scouts and Scouters!!!!
Departure - Monday July 19th, Time and Place:
Please plan to meet at the Smith's Market south parking area at Kimball Junction at 5:15 a.m. - 5:30 a.m. Monday morning... If you live in Summit County; and if you live in Salt Lake County, please meet at the K-Mart on Parley's Way at 5:45 a.m. The Jambo 604 Transport pdf attachment has directions and maps of the two sites. (Cost for the Bus is $7.00 per person)
Bags: Remember, only bring your carry on duffel (no cells, I-Pods, etc. or you will get a chance to bid on E-Bay to get them back!) and your Camelback pack; DO NOT PUT ANY WATER OR LIQUID OF ANY KIND IN THE CAMELBACK BEFORE GETTING ON THE PLANE!!!!!! No other bags will be allowed.
Uniform: Be in Full Class A Uniform; Scout Socks, pants or shorts, shirt, belt. You will recieve your customized Jamboree Baseball Style Cap on the Bus. It is the only hat you will need and any other hat you wear needs to be an official Scout cap. Hopefully you have all your class A uniforms in your carry on bag because it is all you will be wearing until the actual Jamboree!
T-Shirts: Hopefully you packed some BSA T-Shirts to wear in your Camping Duffel that is on the truck. If not, you can buy some at the Jambo, AND you will receive THREE T-SHIRTS for use at the Jamboree. We can distribute them at the airport, or we can wait until the Jamboree to distribute. We'll decide before we leave. (Cost of the three T-Shirts combined is $21.00, if you'd like to participate at that level or above you are welcome. No obligation and everyone still gets Three T-Shirts) If you would like to pay for your own shirts, you could add the $7.00 bus fee and round the whole thing up to $30.00 and any extra goes for ice cream or a treat for the Troop... I'm just sayin' ,if you'd like and are able.
Weather: Bring rain gear for the city and the country... there will be thundershowers. This should be a small pancho or jacket that will fit into the Camelback backpack.
Tuesday Jul 20
Isolated T-Storms
87° High 74° Low 30% Humidity
Wednesday Jul 21
Mostly Sunny
88° High 72° Low 30% Humidity
Thursday, July 22
Isolated T-Storms
92° High 77° Low 30% Humidity
Friday, July 23
92° High 79° Low 30% Humidity
Annapolis/Baltimore, MD
Saturday, July 24
Scattered T-Storms
94° High 76° Low 60% Humidity
For the rest of the trip we can expect: The Average Temperatures are highs of 88 degrees with lows about 68 degrees. Thundershowers are to be expected through the following week at Ft. AP Hill (near Bowling Green, VA).
Contact Information: See attached Jambo 604 pdf attachment for all hotel information.
Bruce R. Hough - Scoutmaster - 801.971.7440 - -
Tim Pruess - Assist. Scoutmaster/Program - 801.856.5851 -
Chris Hansen - Assist. Scoutmaster/Quartermaster - 801.860.3859 -
Chris Robinson - Assist. Scoutmaster/Scribe - 801.599.4397 -
Vic Rowberry - Council Professional - 801.891-4054
Doug Guest - District Executive - 801.589.2864
Email and text messaging to Bruce will work best.
I can respond quickly if I'm in an area where I can't call back.
If your boy wants or needs to call you, he will be accomodated no questions asked.
At a minimum, I will ask each boy to call home on Sundays. If he doesn't, it won't be my fault!!!
Return: Friday, August 6, 2010
American Airlines Flight 677 Norfolk to DFW 1:10 pm - 3:20 am
American Airlines Flight 529 DFW to SLC 6:06 pm - 7:45 pm
Plan to be at the Airport to Pick Up your Son or Family Member by 7:50 pm
A few other notes: If you would like me to hold cash for your son (or husband) please let me know. I will have an envelope for each individual. Just hand me the cash in an envelope with name, amount, and any instructions that you have. Hopefully you have figured out a debit or cash card system for them to use or one of the alternatives offered by the Jamboree.
Be sure to have a small notebook for journal notes and something to write with. Bring a Book to read during our plane and bus rides. Of course, bring a camera.
Blog: you can follow our exploits on . Feel free to leave comments and we will pass them along to your boys. Because it is a protected site you may need to get a gmail account but maybe not...
Be assured that it is our intent to provide a safe, instructive, and FUN experience for everyone. That is our Mission for the next three weeks!!! (gee, I better tell my boss I'm going to be gone for a while!!!)
We have great boys, boy leaders and adult supervision... we will have a great time and one we all remember for the rest of our lives... I'm so glad we are all doing this together!
Yours in Scouting,
Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604
Departure - Monday July 19th, Time and Place:
Please plan to meet at the Smith's Market south parking area at Kimball Junction at 5:15 a.m. - 5:30 a.m. Monday morning... If you live in Summit County; and if you live in Salt Lake County, please meet at the K-Mart on Parley's Way at 5:45 a.m. The Jambo 604 Transport pdf attachment has directions and maps of the two sites. (Cost for the Bus is $7.00 per person)
Bags: Remember, only bring your carry on duffel (no cells, I-Pods, etc. or you will get a chance to bid on E-Bay to get them back!) and your Camelback pack; DO NOT PUT ANY WATER OR LIQUID OF ANY KIND IN THE CAMELBACK BEFORE GETTING ON THE PLANE!!!!!! No other bags will be allowed.
Uniform: Be in Full Class A Uniform; Scout Socks, pants or shorts, shirt, belt. You will recieve your customized Jamboree Baseball Style Cap on the Bus. It is the only hat you will need and any other hat you wear needs to be an official Scout cap. Hopefully you have all your class A uniforms in your carry on bag because it is all you will be wearing until the actual Jamboree!
T-Shirts: Hopefully you packed some BSA T-Shirts to wear in your Camping Duffel that is on the truck. If not, you can buy some at the Jambo, AND you will receive THREE T-SHIRTS for use at the Jamboree. We can distribute them at the airport, or we can wait until the Jamboree to distribute. We'll decide before we leave. (Cost of the three T-Shirts combined is $21.00, if you'd like to participate at that level or above you are welcome. No obligation and everyone still gets Three T-Shirts) If you would like to pay for your own shirts, you could add the $7.00 bus fee and round the whole thing up to $30.00 and any extra goes for ice cream or a treat for the Troop... I'm just sayin' ,if you'd like and are able.
Weather: Bring rain gear for the city and the country... there will be thundershowers. This should be a small pancho or jacket that will fit into the Camelback backpack.
Tuesday Jul 20
Isolated T-Storms
87° High 74° Low 30% Humidity
Wednesday Jul 21
Mostly Sunny
88° High 72° Low 30% Humidity
Thursday, July 22
Isolated T-Storms
92° High 77° Low 30% Humidity
Friday, July 23
92° High 79° Low 30% Humidity
Annapolis/Baltimore, MD
Saturday, July 24
Scattered T-Storms
94° High 76° Low 60% Humidity
For the rest of the trip we can expect: The Average Temperatures are highs of 88 degrees with lows about 68 degrees. Thundershowers are to be expected through the following week at Ft. AP Hill (near Bowling Green, VA).
Contact Information: See attached Jambo 604 pdf attachment for all hotel information.
Bruce R. Hough - Scoutmaster - 801.971.7440 - -
Tim Pruess - Assist. Scoutmaster/Program - 801.856.5851 -
Chris Hansen - Assist. Scoutmaster/Quartermaster - 801.860.3859 -
Chris Robinson - Assist. Scoutmaster/Scribe - 801.599.4397 -
Vic Rowberry - Council Professional - 801.891-4054
Doug Guest - District Executive - 801.589.2864
Email and text messaging to Bruce will work best.
I can respond quickly if I'm in an area where I can't call back.
If your boy wants or needs to call you, he will be accomodated no questions asked.
At a minimum, I will ask each boy to call home on Sundays. If he doesn't, it won't be my fault!!!
Return: Friday, August 6, 2010
American Airlines Flight 677 Norfolk to DFW 1:10 pm - 3:20 am
American Airlines Flight 529 DFW to SLC 6:06 pm - 7:45 pm
Plan to be at the Airport to Pick Up your Son or Family Member by 7:50 pm
A few other notes: If you would like me to hold cash for your son (or husband) please let me know. I will have an envelope for each individual. Just hand me the cash in an envelope with name, amount, and any instructions that you have. Hopefully you have figured out a debit or cash card system for them to use or one of the alternatives offered by the Jamboree.
Be sure to have a small notebook for journal notes and something to write with. Bring a Book to read during our plane and bus rides. Of course, bring a camera.
Blog: you can follow our exploits on . Feel free to leave comments and we will pass them along to your boys. Because it is a protected site you may need to get a gmail account but maybe not...
Be assured that it is our intent to provide a safe, instructive, and FUN experience for everyone. That is our Mission for the next three weeks!!! (gee, I better tell my boss I'm going to be gone for a while!!!)
We have great boys, boy leaders and adult supervision... we will have a great time and one we all remember for the rest of our lives... I'm so glad we are all doing this together!
Yours in Scouting,
Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Echo Canyon Adventure
Thanks to everyone who came to the camp out last weekend. Chris Robinson was kind enough to let us use his property up Echo Canyon. It was a beautiful place. The boys prepared an outstanding dinner of cheeseburgers, green salad, and beans...
Thanks to Chris Hansen for bringing up all the stoves and most of the the cooking gear.
McKay Quinn, Lee Marchant, and McCade Crandall served as Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders respectively and organized the troop and patrols to do all the cooking and cleaning.
Afterwords we had a nice campfire and were able to talk about the Jamboree and some Scouting principles in general.
Chris Hansen described to incidents that occurred at the last Jamboree while touring with the troop. In one incident he was taken to task for the behavior of our scouts for not acting in accordance with the Scout Law (they weren't being kind or courteous) and on another occasion he was praised for the way the scouts acted in accordance with scouting principles... It was a great illustration on how we need to be prepared to act properly and to remember that even though we want to have fun, that we need to do so while maintaining the principles of scouting and represent scouting and our families well. People are watching all the time and since we will always be in our scout uniforms it makes us that much more noticeable.
The stars were fabulous and we could see many constellations clearly that you cannot see so well with the city lights.
Breakfast was awesome. The boys again did the work to get us fed and we had sausage, pancakes, eggs, fruit and juice. I'm pretty sure everyone got plenty to eat.
McKay Quinn presented a brief overview of "Leave No Trace" camping at the campfire and before we left, the troop policed the area to leave the area cleaner than we found it... It was great to get to know the boys better and to be in the out of doors. There is nothing like camping out to get to know boys better and to see them in action both from a skills standpoint and character standpoint.
We have a great group and everyone got a long very well... even the Scoutmasters!!
We will send out a calendar in the next week that will take us through the end of the year and into the spring...
Just a reminder... we need to get our money into the council. They are spending money on flights and hotels and we need to stay ahead of all that. Please let us know if there are any problems.
Fundraisers: We have a new fundraiser starting that will be the selling of Popcorn. This is a very popular funraiser and you can contact Telaina for the details.
Scholarships: There are also a number of scholarships available for boys in our council and if you have needs, please contact me or Telaina to see how you can go about applying for these scholarships.
We are less than a year away from the adventure of a lifetime for these boys....
Thanks to Jennifer Barber and Telaina for all the follow-up and to Chris Hansen for helping so much on the Pot Luck...
Thanks for all your help and support as parents and families as well.
Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604
Thanks to Chris Hansen for bringing up all the stoves and most of the the cooking gear.
McKay Quinn, Lee Marchant, and McCade Crandall served as Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders respectively and organized the troop and patrols to do all the cooking and cleaning.
Afterwords we had a nice campfire and were able to talk about the Jamboree and some Scouting principles in general.
Chris Hansen described to incidents that occurred at the last Jamboree while touring with the troop. In one incident he was taken to task for the behavior of our scouts for not acting in accordance with the Scout Law (they weren't being kind or courteous) and on another occasion he was praised for the way the scouts acted in accordance with scouting principles... It was a great illustration on how we need to be prepared to act properly and to remember that even though we want to have fun, that we need to do so while maintaining the principles of scouting and represent scouting and our families well. People are watching all the time and since we will always be in our scout uniforms it makes us that much more noticeable.
The stars were fabulous and we could see many constellations clearly that you cannot see so well with the city lights.
Breakfast was awesome. The boys again did the work to get us fed and we had sausage, pancakes, eggs, fruit and juice. I'm pretty sure everyone got plenty to eat.
McKay Quinn presented a brief overview of "Leave No Trace" camping at the campfire and before we left, the troop policed the area to leave the area cleaner than we found it... It was great to get to know the boys better and to be in the out of doors. There is nothing like camping out to get to know boys better and to see them in action both from a skills standpoint and character standpoint.
We have a great group and everyone got a long very well... even the Scoutmasters!!
We will send out a calendar in the next week that will take us through the end of the year and into the spring...
Just a reminder... we need to get our money into the council. They are spending money on flights and hotels and we need to stay ahead of all that. Please let us know if there are any problems.
Fundraisers: We have a new fundraiser starting that will be the selling of Popcorn. This is a very popular funraiser and you can contact Telaina for the details.
Scholarships: There are also a number of scholarships available for boys in our council and if you have needs, please contact me or Telaina to see how you can go about applying for these scholarships.
We are less than a year away from the adventure of a lifetime for these boys....
Thanks to Jennifer Barber and Telaina for all the follow-up and to Chris Hansen for helping so much on the Pot Luck...
Thanks for all your help and support as parents and families as well.
Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Hello Jamboree Families!
The purpose of my email today is to help our great Troop Leaders out by finding out how many people are attending our family potluck this Thursday, August 20 and also the campout scheduled for Friday August 28 - Saturday August 29. PLEASE respond ASAP with how many people from your family will be at the potluck and also if your scout will be attending the campout. Please respond even if you are NOT able to attend!
Here are the important details on those events ...
Thursday August 20
6:30 pm
Wanship Park (across from LDS Church where our meetings are held)
Troop will provide: Meat (Burgers and Buns), paper goods and condiments
You Need to Bring: A side dish to share (dessert, salad, chips, veggies, etc..)
Friday August 28 - Saturday August 29
Leave late afternoon on the 28th - return early afternoon on the 29th
Will need drivers and a few trailers for gear
Chris Robinson's property up Echo Canyon (map attached)
Each scout should bring $7.00 to cover cost of food
More details to be announced at the Potluck!
The purpose of my email today is to help our great Troop Leaders out by finding out how many people are attending our family potluck this Thursday, August 20 and also the campout scheduled for Friday August 28 - Saturday August 29. PLEASE respond ASAP with how many people from your family will be at the potluck and also if your scout will be attending the campout. Please respond even if you are NOT able to attend!
Here are the important details on those events ...
Thursday August 20
6:30 pm
Wanship Park (across from LDS Church where our meetings are held)
Troop will provide: Meat (Burgers and Buns), paper goods and condiments
You Need to Bring: A side dish to share (dessert, salad, chips, veggies, etc..)
Friday August 28 - Saturday August 29
Leave late afternoon on the 28th - return early afternoon on the 29th
Will need drivers and a few trailers for gear
Chris Robinson's property up Echo Canyon (map attached)
Each scout should bring $7.00 to cover cost of food
More details to be announced at the Potluck!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Fundraiser Mtg - Tuesday
We will be holding the Fundraiser Meeting July 28th, Tuesday at 7:30 pm in Wanship. Please bring your calendars and ideas.
The Summit County Fair Board approved a Booth for "Old Fashion Photo's". We will need to work the booth August 6th, 7th, and 8th.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting to discuss further details.
Please feel free to contact:
Telaina Lewis –
801-831-0255 please leave a message or text
435-336-4320 – Home
Erica Crandall - 435-640-1367
Sherri Giauque – 801-209-1992 or 435-336-0321
Jennifer Barber – 435-640-6920
801-831-0255 please leave a message or text
435-336-4320 – Home
Erica Crandall - 435-640-1367
Sherri Giauque – 801-209-1992 or 435-336-0321
Jennifer Barber – 435-640-6920
Have a wonderful Pioneer Day Weekend!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Fundraiser Mtg

Dear Parents and Scouts,
We are looking to have a meeting on this Thursday at 7pm for those interested in fundraisers, specifically the Summit County Fair. I realize a lot of you may be leaving town, but we also didn’t want to wait to much longer on getting these projects in place, since the Fair Board said that we could not sell pre-packaged food in a vendor booth, and requirements of a food booth are a lot. So we came up with the following ideas.
So in the best interest of the group who is interested in participating in the Summit County Fundraisers. Please let one of the following people know:
- If your Scout and/or you would like to participate
- Which works better with your schedule:
b. Tuesday the 28th at 7:30 pm (not sure if we can use the church though)
Telaina Lewis – <>
801-831-0255 please leave a message or text
435-336-4320 – Home
Erica Crandall - 435-640-1367
Sherri Giauque – 801-209-1992 or 435-336-0321 <>
Jennifer Barber – 435-640-6920 <>
For the Summit County Fair, we are were looking at a vendor booth - “Old Fashion Photo Booth”
They will get an 8x10 mat framed photo, similar to the one at the top of this Post for around $19.95 (we are checking pricing)
We will print the pictures right then and that way we collect the money, give them the photo, and we are done.
The Scouts can work together to help set up the booth, gather props, make posters for advertisement, place announcements in the local papers, work the booth, with selling the photos, and filling out forms to collect the money, take down the booth, and any other items that may need to be done.
The days and times that the booth will need to be worked in shifts:
August 6th 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
August 7th 11:00 am – 9:30 pm
August 8th 11:00 am – 9:30 pm
Jerrie Hansen has agreed to take the photo’s for all three days for free, any purchases above and beyond the initial photo would go to her for her time and equipment.
I think this would be a lot of fun, and go over well, everyone loves photo’s!!
The other option is if the Scouts would like to work together to tie some quilts, we can do a ticket sale donation “not a Raffle” for the quilts. One mother of a son who went to the Jamboree last time, did extremely well at doing this at the fair last time.
Thanks for all your are doing to help your Scout raise funds for the Jamboree.
A thought for when Fundraiser’s seem difficult to find the time for - :)
“The cash value of work is important for children to learn. If they grow up in a family where the parents provide everything they need, and if the breadwinner works outside the home, they may have no concept that somebody actually labors to earn the money.
Children can ask for a lot of things. They think they need a lot of things to be happy—but if they have to pay for those things themselves, they quickly learn to judge how important they really are to them. They learn how much things cost, not just in money, but in time and effort.”
(The Elbow-Grease Factor: How to Teach Your Children to Love Work By Orson Scott Card)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
4 Month Meeting Schedule and Special Event
Dear Scouts and Parents:
July, we will not hold a regular troop meeting. Instead, please try to attend the Israeli Scout Friendship Caravan performance at the Temple Har Shalom in Park City, July 10, 2009 at 7:30 pm. Try to be there at 7:00 pm so we can sit together and wear your full uniform. This event will also satisfy one of the key requirements for the Citizenship in the World Merit Badge. See the complete information below.
The Israeli Scout Friendship Caravan is in Utah next week!
The Tzofim Friendship Caravan includes highly-motivated and musically-talented Israelis ages 16 and 17 who are active members of the 60,000 member-strong Tzofim (Israel Scouts) which is part of the International Scouting movement. The co-educational Tzofim is the only non-political, non-sectarian youth movement in Israel . The shows introduce Israeli culture and folklore in performances for audiences of all ages, races and religions, and expressing the vast cultural diversity in Israel .
The Great Salt Lake Council Relationships Committee and the United Jewish Federation of Utah are hosting the Tzofim Caravan again this year when Israeli scouts will put on free musical shows open to the public at various locations. Three FREE shows are open to all Scouts and the general public
Kick-Off Show
Gateway Olympic Legacy Plaza Fountain
Wednesday, July 8 @ 7:00 pm
East Fork of the Bear Show
Camp Tomahawk Fire Bowl
Thursday, July 9 @ 6:30 pm
Last Show Temple Har Shalom
3700 N. Brookside Ct., Park City
Friday, July 10 @ 7:30 pm
The Great Salt Lake Council encourages Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Varsity teams and Venturing crews to attend one or more of these shows in uniform. Leaders may pick up certificates for each scout who attends to show completion of the Citizenship in the World merit badge requirement 7: “participate in or attend an international event in your area.”
Tzofim is the Hebrew word for Scouts. The Tzofim is the National Scouting Organization in Israel that includes the majority of boys and girls in the age groups of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers in the BSA. Both the Boy Scouts of American and The Tzofim are part of the World Organization of the Scout movement -The World Brotherhood of Scouting.
The Great Salt Lake Council Relationships Committee and the United Jewish Federation of Utah are hosting the Tzofim Caravan again this year when Israeli scouts will put on free musical shows open to the public at various locations. Three FREE shows are open to all Scouts and the general public
August, we will not hold a regular troop meeting. Instead, please use this time to fund raise for your Jamboree Camp fees. Telaina and the committee have several good fundraisers organized but it is up to you to communicate with her to participate in these opportunities.
September, we will hold our regular Troop Meeting on September 17, 2009 at the Wanship Meetinghouse.
October, we will hold a Jamboree Troop Overnight Campout on Friday and Saturday June 16 and 17, 2009 up Echo Canyon on Christopher Robinson's Ranch Property.
Attendance. It is very important that each boy attend the regular troop meetings and campouts. Being together as a troop before the Jamboree provides the boys an opportunity to bond together and for the adult leaders to ascertain the individual and group dynamics in selecting leaders, assigning room/tent mates, buddies, etc.
Fees. The following is the schedule for the amounts and due dates for payment of fees to the Council.
July 1st $1,500.00
Sep 30th $1,800.00
Nov 1st $2,000.00
Dec 30th $2,500.00
Again, there are some very good fundraisers available to the boys, but regardless, we need to have the monies remitted to the council on time. Airline, Hotel, and other arrangements need to be pre-paid. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thanks for all you do and we look forward to a fantastic year of Scouting as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Scouting in America.
Yours in Scouting,
Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604
July, we will not hold a regular troop meeting. Instead, please try to attend the Israeli Scout Friendship Caravan performance at the Temple Har Shalom in Park City, July 10, 2009 at 7:30 pm. Try to be there at 7:00 pm so we can sit together and wear your full uniform. This event will also satisfy one of the key requirements for the Citizenship in the World Merit Badge. See the complete information below.
The Israeli Scout Friendship Caravan is in Utah next week!
The Tzofim Friendship Caravan includes highly-motivated and musically-talented Israelis ages 16 and 17 who are active members of the 60,000 member-strong Tzofim (Israel Scouts) which is part of the International Scouting movement. The co-educational Tzofim is the only non-political, non-sectarian youth movement in Israel . The shows introduce Israeli culture and folklore in performances for audiences of all ages, races and religions, and expressing the vast cultural diversity in Israel .
The Great Salt Lake Council Relationships Committee and the United Jewish Federation of Utah are hosting the Tzofim Caravan again this year when Israeli scouts will put on free musical shows open to the public at various locations. Three FREE shows are open to all Scouts and the general public
Kick-Off Show
Gateway Olympic Legacy Plaza Fountain
Wednesday, July 8 @ 7:00 pm
East Fork of the Bear Show
Camp Tomahawk Fire Bowl
Thursday, July 9 @ 6:30 pm
Last Show Temple Har Shalom
3700 N. Brookside Ct., Park City
Friday, July 10 @ 7:30 pm
The Great Salt Lake Council encourages Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Varsity teams and Venturing crews to attend one or more of these shows in uniform. Leaders may pick up certificates for each scout who attends to show completion of the Citizenship in the World merit badge requirement 7: “participate in or attend an international event in your area.”
Tzofim is the Hebrew word for Scouts. The Tzofim is the National Scouting Organization in Israel that includes the majority of boys and girls in the age groups of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers in the BSA. Both the Boy Scouts of American and The Tzofim are part of the World Organization of the Scout movement -The World Brotherhood of Scouting.
The Great Salt Lake Council Relationships Committee and the United Jewish Federation of Utah are hosting the Tzofim Caravan again this year when Israeli scouts will put on free musical shows open to the public at various locations. Three FREE shows are open to all Scouts and the general public
August, we will not hold a regular troop meeting. Instead, please use this time to fund raise for your Jamboree Camp fees. Telaina and the committee have several good fundraisers organized but it is up to you to communicate with her to participate in these opportunities.
September, we will hold our regular Troop Meeting on September 17, 2009 at the Wanship Meetinghouse.
October, we will hold a Jamboree Troop Overnight Campout on Friday and Saturday June 16 and 17, 2009 up Echo Canyon on Christopher Robinson's Ranch Property.
Attendance. It is very important that each boy attend the regular troop meetings and campouts. Being together as a troop before the Jamboree provides the boys an opportunity to bond together and for the adult leaders to ascertain the individual and group dynamics in selecting leaders, assigning room/tent mates, buddies, etc.
Fees. The following is the schedule for the amounts and due dates for payment of fees to the Council.
July 1st $1,500.00
Sep 30th $1,800.00
Nov 1st $2,000.00
Dec 30th $2,500.00
Again, there are some very good fundraisers available to the boys, but regardless, we need to have the monies remitted to the council on time. Airline, Hotel, and other arrangements need to be pre-paid. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Thanks for all you do and we look forward to a fantastic year of Scouting as we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Scouting in America.
Yours in Scouting,
Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sorry for any inconvenience...
There will not be a meeting tonight as previously scheduled. We are tentatively setting the SECOND THURSDAY, JULY 9th as our next meeting. We will plan a pot luck dinner as part of our meeting with more details to follow.
We will not be meeting in a formal Troop meeting in August as it will be busy with several fundraising opportunities. Check with Telaina on how the boys can earn more money toward their Jamboree experience.
A Troop Camp will be planned for either September or October up Echo Canyon on Chris Robinson's property. It is nearby and has amenities that will be very nice for our encampment.
In the meantime... I hate to harp on the money side of life, but Council is having to write some big checks to hold hotel rooms and flights and it is very important that you have your money in timely. Everyone should have a minimum of $1000.00 in for each participant. Please call me if this is becoming a problem.
Also, please sign up for the blog at . It is by invitation so if you do not have an invite email me and I'll send one out again. You do need to create a gmail account, but its free and you only need to use it for this purpose if you like.
Thanks again for all your support and we look forward to a great summer.
Yours in Scouting,
Bruce R. Hough
There will not be a meeting tonight as previously scheduled. We are tentatively setting the SECOND THURSDAY, JULY 9th as our next meeting. We will plan a pot luck dinner as part of our meeting with more details to follow.
We will not be meeting in a formal Troop meeting in August as it will be busy with several fundraising opportunities. Check with Telaina on how the boys can earn more money toward their Jamboree experience.
A Troop Camp will be planned for either September or October up Echo Canyon on Chris Robinson's property. It is nearby and has amenities that will be very nice for our encampment.
In the meantime... I hate to harp on the money side of life, but Council is having to write some big checks to hold hotel rooms and flights and it is very important that you have your money in timely. Everyone should have a minimum of $1000.00 in for each participant. Please call me if this is becoming a problem.
Also, please sign up for the blog at . It is by invitation so if you do not have an invite email me and I'll send one out again. You do need to create a gmail account, but its free and you only need to use it for this purpose if you like.
Thanks again for all your support and we look forward to a great summer.
Yours in Scouting,
Bruce R. Hough
Monday, June 1, 2009
May 21st Meeting
May 21st Meeting had a great turn out!
We had the best attendance so far. We look forward to getting everyone there for a perfect attendance.
Just a few reminders
- Account balances need to have at least $1000.00 by June 1st!
- Family Potluck Mtg June 18th
- Portrait Sales Due June 6th!
Thanks, we look forward to a great year ahead!!
Telaina Lewis
Friday, May 1, 2009
Scout O Rama Time!!!
See you on Saturday, May 2nd for the Scout O Rama at the South Towne Expo Center.
We won't need any scout help on Saturday night, but the more who come on Saturday the merrier and less time you will need to stay at the exhibit.
Call me if you have any questions.... 801 971 7440
Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604
We won't need any scout help on Saturday night, but the more who come on Saturday the merrier and less time you will need to stay at the exhibit.
Call me if you have any questions.... 801 971 7440
Bruce R. Hough
Jamboree Troop 604
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Scout O Rama Schedule
Please email or text me with time that you can volunteer.
I have scheduled the boys who were in attendance at the last meeting.
You can reach Telaina at 801-831-0255 or text at 801-831-0255 or email me at or
Time | Oakley Area | Park City Area | Coalville Area |
Friday Set –up 5:30 pm | McKade Crandall | | Donavon Robertson Kolby Lewis Ben Dixon |
| | | |
Saturday | | | |
Group 1 8:30–11:30 am | Jaden Hansen Brett Weller Tyler Weller | | |
Group 2 11:30-2:30 pm | Mark Watson Kaleb Worthington Jacob Baldwin | | Slade Collins Bryan Staley |
Group 3 2:30 – 5:30 pm Take Down | Sam Embry Zack McCarther | Nixon Barber | Morgan Judd Kolby Lewis Holden Jones Ben Dixon |
| | | |
Scout O Rama Schedule
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